

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hello, though you wouldn't see this but please do turn up for the class outing if you write your name on the paper already, for those confirm.
People that are going : (confirm)
1. Seeyin
2. Huaiqian
3. Daniel
4. William
5. Karhow
6. Jiahao
7. Alvin
8. Benny
9. Zareena
10. Eddie
11. Junwen
12. Siti
13. Francheska
14. Weilun
15. Tongtong
16. Annisaa
17. Jeremy
18. Joey ( coming late )
19. Bain
20. Benedict
21. Yuliang
Not confirm :
22. Clement
23. Soelu
24. Irhas
25. Longze
26. Weisheng

This are all the names that are written on the paper that we'd passed around. So if you confirm going, please don't bomb us. because Bain has already confirmed booked the pits already, if you bomb us and not turn up, you're making live difficult yah :)
And all the best in studies, don't be dejected by the results, let's work hard together for term 2 alright, :) All the best 4e <3 .

